Creation and Development of three Portuguese Energy Efficiency Companies

Creation and Development of three Portuguese Energy Efficiency Companies:
3.UTIS – Ultimate Technology to Industrial Savings
The purpose of this document is to recap, how in less than 6 years, was possible to create 3 Portuguese companies, with their own capital, Portuguese technicians and in collaboration with National Scientific Institutions, developing unique technologies in the world with 2 patents approved in USA and Europe in the framework of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) .US 9,212,634 B2 and WO2016 / 064289 A1 and pending WO2018 / 142191, covered by recognized insurance companies in 5 million with no occurrence to date and still with the overwhelming majority of all internationally required certifications.
AICEP / OCT 2018
It all started on October 16th of 2012 with the beginning of ULTIMATE POWER, LDA., A Portuguese family company created with its own capital, with a strategy based on the improvement of energy efficiency contributing to a significant decrease in consumption of fossil fuels ensuring the reducing of emission of harmful gases into the environment.
The basic operating principle of the technology is the introduction of very small amounts of hydrogen into the engine air intake, optimizing combustion, acting as a combustion catalyst reaction. It´s worth emphasising that there is never any intermediate storage in the system between the production and the point of consumption.
Since its beginning, the priority investment of ULTIMATE POWER®, Lda., has been in research and development (R&D), the two main strengths of the company, which produces and distributes worldwide a vast portfolio of devices designated by ULTIMATE CELL®, internationally patented, aimed at small and large internal combustion engines to reduce fuel consumption by up to 30% and exhaust emissions by up to 80% being effective on diesel, gasoline, biodiesel, ethanol and LPG engines.
They are produced in different types according to the intended use: light vehicles, trucks, heavy equipment and generators, ships and boats.
With the exponential development and sales of equipment and facing all the customer demand, Ultimate Power has initiated a new era of R&D with the creation of “Ultimate Cell Large Engine” (UCLE) specifically for large engines in ships, heavy machinery, large generators of energy, trains, etc.
In 2015 in cooperation with the portuguese company SECIL, that provided one of its factories for the development tests and part of the financing for this very complex R&D, started the investigation to adapt the technology or create a new one suitable for positive results in Continuous Combustion by a device entitled as “Ultimate Cell for Continuous Combustion” (UCCC <> UC3) intended for industrial applications using coal, petcoque, CDR’s, gas, coal, biomass and fuel oil. To be successful, its results would lead to savings of millions of euros and reductions in harmful gas emissions with very attractive return on investment (ROI) for the final customer.
Ultimate Power, together with the internal R&D team, invariably resorts to the outsourcing of Portuguese companies to various technologies and production methods, except for the quality control and dispatch phase for the final client that is the responsibility of the company itself.
Internationalization in dozens of countries, overwhelming activity, commitment to its stakeholders, in a process of continuous improvement to ensure sustainable growth in the long run of their business, have created the need for a deep restructuring of Ultimate Power to ensure objectives.
On March 31st of 2016, 3 and a half years later of the beginning of its activity, a new company called ULTIMATE CELL, LDA, was founded by the same partners and in the same premises. With the aim of “developing innovative products and techniques to reduce fuel consumption and pollutant emissions, registering and marketing their respective brands, patents, invention models and other industrial property rights, providing technical and management advice on engineering area.”
ULTIMATE CELL through its continuous desire of improvement on R&D, ensures industrial property rights through patents, representing companies in negotiations with key customers and suppliers, thus enabling ULTIMATE POWER to dedicate almost exclusively to production and marketing equipment in the area of internal combustion.
3. UTIS – Ultimate Technology to Industrial Savings – FOUNDATION
Portuguese company UTIS – Ultimate Technology To Industrial Savings was officially established in 2018, between SECIL and ULTIMATE CELL with 50% of the capital stock of each of the companies, resulting from the excellent partnership since 2015, as mentioned above.
The company SECIL is dedicated to the manufacture and commercialization of cement, ready-mix concrete, aggregates, mortars, mass-produced concrete and hydraulic lime.
Based on the know-how of both companies, UTIS was created with the intention of optimizing continuous combustion processes leading to the reduction of fossil fuels as well as reducing the emission of pollutants into the atmosphere. With this aim in view, UTIS has developed a technology (to optimize Continuous Combustion), now protected by PCT / IB2017 / 050652 under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT), within the framework of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) WO2018 / 142191.
UC3 technology uses a system to produce hydrogen (H2) and oxygen (O2), without mid-storage in the system between the production and the point of consumption.
Unique in the market, UC3 technology is exclusively produced and is adapted to the installation capacity (dimensioning) as well as to the type of fuel that is burned. Therefore, a more complete burning of the fuels is guaranteed, making it more efficient and with less environmental impact, presenting itself as a disruptive technology in the market.
UC3 systems (UCCC – ULTIMATE CELL® CONTINUOUS COMBUSTION) are intended for optimization of combustion for Industrial Continuous Combustion applications such as cement, glass, paper pulp, biomass thermal plants, municipal solid waste incinerators, iron and steel, power plants, etc., using a PEM (Proton Exchange Membrane) electrolysis system, exclusively designed for the application in industrial environments in its construction as well as the ease of connection to the existing industrial processes.
The system integrates an automatic electrolyte production unit, which is fed from tap water. Once produced, the electrolyte is fed to the PEM Electrolysis system for a safe and controlled production of Hydrogen and Oxygen in separate pipelines, which will be introduced at specific points of burning. The entire system is fully automated, with local command via HMI console or remote by TCP/IP ModBus or Internet, equipped with automatic detection of failures by alarm and detection of H2 leakage, and with emergency stop.
It is also powered electrically (380 to 480 VAC, 3-phase, 50 or 60 Hz), with consumptions that can vary up to a maximum of 80 kW.
Of easy industrial installation, requiring only electrical connections, communication, tap water and sewage, ensuring its operation that will optimize the burning of fuels resulting in a reduction of consumption and harmful emissions of gases from combustion. On a case-by-case basis, other additional benefits can be achieved, such as reduction or near-total elimination, of ammonia consumption in the case of the cement industry.
It was this narrative that we wanted to bring to your knowledge and once again state that we will continue to be committed to a constant search for continuous improvement and innovation that will allow us to know that our country can rely on us for structuring and cutting-edge projects at the national level. We want to anticipate the changes that will transform the world and redefine our own raison d’être as companies. Opportunity exists.
We have the means, the determination and the audacity.