

Last month, UTIS marked the formal start of a project we had dreamed of for a long time; the UTIS ACADEMY, a Training centre whose objective is to open the doors to the world of Knowledge through the continuous training of our people and to make known our technology in the area of renewable energies, energy efficiency, our purpose in order to accelerate the global energy transition.

Aimed at all workers, UTIS has a new Training Center called “UTIS ACADEMY” The space will serve not only to teach theoretical and practical classes but also to be a space with an interactive environment in order to promote social interaction and exchange of experiences, the enrichment of relations between the Company and its workers.

To attract and maintain the trust of our customers and for the functional and professional development of our employees, we need a qualified team that is willing to learn every day, so we want to contribute to their training and development actively.

We also recognise the importance of developing innovation skills in people since they are workers and managers, the key pieces of UTIS’s adaptive capacity through proactive attitudes in solutions to new challenges.

We challenged all employees to participate in this structuring project for our company.