
João Bordado, Innovation Manager at UTIS, awarded by the Portuguese Order of Engineers National Awards Order of Engineers.

UTIS is honoured to congratulate João Bordado, Full Professor at the Instituto Superior Técnico and researcher in the area of ​​materials, currently Innovation Manager at UTIS, who has been awarded the National Award of the Order of Engineers in the Chemical and Biological Engineering category, in his speciality.

The ceremony organised by the Order of Engineers, held on 12 September in the Salão Preto e Prata at the Casino Estoril, the “National Awards of the Order of Engineers” Gala, was a moment of celebration for Engineers and Engineering.
These Awards are intended to recognise members of the Order of Engineers who, individually, have distinguished themselves on the national and/or international scene and who, through their activity in the field of Engineering, have contributed to the valorisation of the Engineering profession.

Academia and Industry are moving forward together! This is the path to sustainability, development and innovation.

Read one of the news items here: https://expresso.pt/iniciativaseprodutos/projetos-expresso/2024-09-12-carlos-moedas-maria-da-graca-carvalho-e-antonio-costa-silva-entre-os-vencedores-dos-premios-nacionais-da-ordem-dos-engenheiros-0f57d968?fbclid=PAZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAaYJqBT2xcj9miJZYBRZrNW7s3xWuPkNgcxqh4Wl-9EKnovpwCgngUUvEto_aem_iIP7W9m-xzpKMNsRKxDvPQ

Note: We apologize, but the article is only available in Portuguese.